Julia Biggs

Julia Biggs is a poet, writer and freelance art historian. She lives in Cambridge, UK. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Annie Journal, Sídhe Press, Streetcake Magazine, Green Ink Poetry, and elsewhere. Find her via her website: https://juliabiggs1.wixsite.com/juliabiggs


After Alice Maher, ‘L’Université’

I miss her 11/10/99
isn’t this how lectures should be?
digging the words into varnished bodies
where they hover in tiers to a blackboard point
and then retreat behind theatre curtains
of scribbled lyrics (tell me one of your biggest fears)
and scratched signatures (Jean, Brónagh, Jordi)
chaotic biro scrawls left like stains on abandoned sheets
the traces of us spilling into obscene phrases
and studious desire
I still miss her 1/12/99