We are open to general submissions year-round.
We also run several themed poetry contests per year (see below). Check our website nearer the time for more details.
January: Love and Loss
April/May: Here and Now
August/September: Passionfruit Poetry Prize 2025
December/January (2026): Being in Bodies
In addition to the schedule above, our general submissions are always open, always free, and always about love: the romantic, the familial, the platonic, the intimate, the lost, the young, the wretched. Above all, Passionfruit seeks to be a home for that which illuminates something of the human spirit – pieces that explore what love is (or isn’t, or might be), when we love, how we love, what we love, and why we love.
Our focus is on poetry, but there are no particular restrictions on genre, type, or style – we will consider poetry, prose, and visual art for each issue.
Submission guidelines
- Submit no more than three poems at a time
- There are no set restrictions on length for poetry submissions, but we will be looking for writing which shows meticulousness in its use of language, whether across 2 lines or 200.
- We consider prose submissions (prose poetry, flash fiction, creative non-fiction are all welcome) of up to 1000 words.
- Submit up to three pieces for consideration.
- All rights to the work remain with the artist – we only ask permission to publish your piece as cover art for the journal and to feature it in promotional materials.
- We welcome submissions from anywhere in the world, from anyone over the age of 18.
- Simultaneous submissions are welcome – just let us know promptly via the submissions managaer if any of your pieces are accepted elsewhere.
- No multiple submissions to our general reading windows, please! If your submission is declined, please wait until the following month before submitting again.
- Only previously unpublished work will be considered. Authors retain all rights, we simply ask that you allow Passionfruit first publication and credit this in any later iterations of your piece.
- Strong language is fine – abusive or discriminatory language is not.
- Response time will not usually exceed two months. If you would like to hear back sooner, we offer the option of an expedited (3-5 day) response for a £6 fee.
- Please note that – while we are always grateful for donations – no preferential treatment is given to paid submissions.
- As often as we are able, we try to personalise responses and offer feedback on submissions, with regret that this is not possible for every submission. If you would rather not receive feedback, let us know.
- Send only complete work. We will not consider revisions once a piece has been accepted.
- If you don’t see anything that looks like your work in a previous issue, don’t be discouraged – it might be exactly what we’ve been waiting for!

Information for Contributors
The Passionfruit Review is a small, independent journal. There is no fee to submit to the journal – and there never will be – but this means that we cannot yet offer payment for your wonderful contributions.
Any funds that we are able to raise through tip jar contributions and competition fees will first be used to cover running costs and keep submissions free; once we can do both these things while breaking even, we hope to offer payment to contributors.
For the time being, we are honoured to support contributors to The Passionfruit Review, past and present, in whatever way we can, including by nominating Passionfruit poems for prizes such as the Pushcart and Best of the Net. If you wish to amend your bio down the line to reflect new accomplishments, please do get in touch. We also love to celebrate contributors’ new publications in our monthly newsletter and will buy copies whenever we can.
Please send any queries to editor@passionfruitreview.com