‘Last night, I dreamt I was part of the world’ by Vicki Liu

Last night, I dreamt I was part of the world

I walked down the grocery aisle and didn’t pretend
I was someone else. In other words,
I didn’t die. I got some garlic and debated if
blackberries were still in season.
When I picked out an onion I didn’t think about much.
Not my childhood bedroom or sagging skin or
dreams of flaming car wrecks where I attend funerals
for everyone I love. Finally, I didn’t cry
when the woman at the register asked if I found everything okay.
I didn’t flinch when she called me ‘hon’ and my heart
didn’t break when she wrapped my egg carton with a rubber band.
Last night, I dreamt I was part of the world.
Everything in the fridge and I thought
maybe I’ll learn to make pie.

Vicki Liu is a visual artist based out of New York City. Her work has appeared previously in the Broadkill Review.