In Conversation

The prizewinning and commended poems of In Conversation, selected by Riley O’Connell, are published in this special issue of The Passionfruit Review.

1st prize: ‘St. Tegla’s Well’ by Estelle Price
2nd prize: ‘To A Stranger’ by Michael Conley
3rd prize: ‘Dear Former Valentine’ by Sarah Stewart

A note from Riley O’Connell on the entries:

Thank you to all the talented writers who sent their work to this Passionfruit Review poetry competition, in doing so entrusting me with their conversations on family and faith, love and sexuality, friendship and fantasy; on bouquets and duvets, mint and cheddar and lavender, Olivia Gatwood and Walt Whitman; on double entendres and triple blonde beers, dying and living and longing and being loved.

The three prizewinning pieces in particular—Estelle Price’s “St Tegla’s Well,” Michael Conley’s “To a Stranger,” and Sarah Stewart’s “Dear Former Valentine”—encompassed for me everything I love about poetry: melding humor and intensity, joy and heartbreak, the serious and the mundane. They took different forms, took inspiration from other poets and Theresa Pisani’s “Cape Fear Café,” took my breath away with their vivid imagery, intimate voice, and palpable emotion.

Time and time again, I find myself returning to marvel at these poems, these poets, and my gratitude to the Passionfruit Review for inviting me to be a part of their publication. I truly cannot wait to discover more of all of your work.

Cover art: ‘Cape Fear Café’ by Theresa Pisani