Debbie Robson

Debbie Robson loves to write fiction set in the first sixty years of the last century. She has had stories published in Vestal Review, Many Nice Donkeys, Serious Flash and others, and poetry in Boats Against the Current, Ethelzine, Emerge Journal and more. She tweets at @lakelady2282.


What are the possibilities from a face
glimpsed at a distance? All that
crosses the space between us
is a certain vulnerability deep,
deep in your eyes. If only I could
dive in their reflection and charter
the swirls, the depths sounding
twenty years. Hear conversations,
fathom your beliefs, touch hopefully
on the rock of kindness smooth
against my hand, clear water all
around me, long grasses tender
about my legs. Then I would jump
up touching clouds and only then

say hello.