Chelsea Yanga

Chelsea Yanga is a Demisexual-Bisexual poet based in San Pedro Laguna, Philippines. Her works have been published internationally amongst varied digital literary magazines. She spends her mornings writing, her afternoons and evenings working as a barista.

Love Lives Naked

The first of mine
you ever touched,
the bluebell tattoo on my wrist.
And after a few days, you are already sitting with the family.
I know we were too fast. Too in-love with love to slow down—
one night we were watching a movie, and we were sitting side-by-side. I opened a pack of squash seeds. And, without talking, started peeling the shells for you.
You said
Love is about sacrifice.
I am peeling these shells for you, and you have your palm out to me.
It is not at all about sacrifice.
Love lives naked
in the squash seeds I am giving
to you,
like a handful of loose change.