After the Fog, Herons
the fog has lifted
willows strip like lovers
over the pond, green as
quartz. a statutary of herons
garland a broken boat, beaks
inhabit the reeds, in goldenrod
horizontal over water. they wake
up the language in my body, a
whole village remembering what
was lost, what is clearer now,
in the light
Jai Michelle Louissen is a Scottish writer, living in the Netherlands. With an education in literature and in systemic therapy, she likes to write about trauma and loss infused with Scottish landscapes, biophillic portals into protoceltic animist cultures or encounters in nature closer to home. Published most recently in Poetry Scotland, Dust, Acropolis Journal, Dreich and The Black Cat Poetry Press and is the author of two chapbooks. Her second ‘the weight of vapour’ was published in 2024 She is the EIC of a literary journal, The Winged Moon.