‘First Date’ by Madeline Bates

First Date

and it was a first for me hopefully one of many i liked that my vodka soda came with two limes; i liked the chair i sat in cause you were in a booth in front of me i liked the hair tuft tucked behind your ear… i liked the dreams i had afterwards, fantastic things, so bright and real; i was running, we had coffee, i was the worst and i got caught; i was young, i had a dog, i could smell fresh bergamot; i was in a bar i was drawing lines you were painting on my back; i climbed the hill, i met you there — wearing someone else’s clothes; our black boots were the same kind of beat up just cracked right across the soul so clean i couldn’t breathe when i heard that blues guitar you could play just like when we were kids i had nightmares then but no longer faster stronger harder whatever it is the french say you cant speak it but i can translate pretty quick on the fly on the wall beat four on the floor bloor bulk barn buckwheat flour i would love to bake you cookies cause i like the way you smile and your top lip stretches and your cheeks get pink-carnationed i know you’d get that reference, you, mx. misery (with happiness) and you get fallwinterspring i posted once well ive posted lots not much of it to remember but you were there i like your hair my stomach growls like way too much but its fine i like your online stuff your dog is cute but mine’s cutie patooter i should have asked about your rings i think i counted five spread out on both hands ten fingers neat and tidy nails notlike my place heaping clothes piles can’t walk to save your life stumble fall like downpour i saw lightning when i left was on my way home grown like a crocus young in spring blooms; trying to remember but what i’m getting is your hair was cool i liked it lots our booth and chair table between us on it sat my double-limed vodka soda yeah it was sparkling hard; it was supertart(!!!).