‘For My Son, Who Asked Why We Love’ by M. Benjamin Thorne

For My Son, Who Asked Why We Love

We all began in darkness
and were born into another,
moving from cave to cave,
spelunking from the womb
down into the world.
We spend our lives alone,
shuffling blindly in the dark;
but if we’re lucky, we bump
into another soul just as blind
and fumbling, one who feels
comfortable to us, soft
and hard in different ways,
and realize, that all this time
we were searching for a part
of ourselves, and hopefully
have found it, never to be lost

M. Benjamin Thorne
is an Associate Professor of Modern European History at Wingate University. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Drunk Monkeys, Sky Island Journal, Cathexis Northwest, Griffel, The Westchester Review, and Gyroscope Review. He lives and sometimes sleeps in Charlotte, NC.