‘A Kindred Spirit’ by Ben Hartwiger

A Kindred Spirit

A kindred* spirit**: one*** who always1 finds2 themself near3 in a timei when closenessii is sparseiii
* related; linked by sustained communion
** the inner truth of self that is stained into all possible worlds
*** the particular; singular
1  perpetually; inevitably; wholly; truthfully
2  happens upon, then stays; cosmically arranged
3  close enough for the warmth of a body to radiate with resolve
i   the spelling out of days and years by a sundial’s dance
ii  the tender way a humid night can kiss your cheek
iii  counted on a lonely hand; scattered about a busy sidewalk

Ben Hartwiger is a poet from Birmingham, Alabama. After graduating from Texas A&M University with a degree in philosophy, he has spent the past year working as a wildland firefighter across the southeast. In his free time, Ben enjoys playing guitar, hiking, and competing in table tennis tournaments.